Strengthen Your Love, Every Day

5 star rating
4.9/5 – iOS
Elevate Your Love Life!

Love never felt so fun.

You are about to take the first step in growing closer and more intimate with your partner! Imagine a relationship filled with love, trust, and fulfillment. Strengthening your bond and deepening your connection takes intentional effort. Let us guide you through it!


Dive into thought-provoking questions tailored for couples. Discover new dimensions of each other's personalities and reinforce your bond through meaningful conversations.


Explore interactive games designed to foster understanding and fun. Uncover hidden facets of your partner's character while strengthening your connection in playful ways.

Surprise Dates

Embark on curated date experiences to rekindle romance. From intimate moments to thrilling adventures, create lasting memories that enrich the tapestry of your relationship.

Conversations to Connect

Spark meaningful conversations with your partner. Answer daily questions tailored to bring you closer together, fostering deeper understanding, and enhancing your emotional connection.

Fall in Love Again

Rediscover the magic of your relationship. Remember the moments that matter most and find new reasons to love each other every day. Access romantic date ideas, surprise challenges, and heartfelt quizzes to reignite the spark in your love story.

Deepen Intimacy

Spend less than 5 minutes a dayexploring new levels of intimacywith your partner. Dive into meaningful conversations, and try out intimacy-building activities designed to deepen your connection.

Questions, Games, and Exercises!
Surprise Date Nights!
Start Strengthening your love today!

Customer Reviews..

Ever since we started using Zest, our conversations have reached new depths. The Questions module really helps us discover things about each other we'd never have thought to ask!

Anna & Mike Miles
Rating Starts

Our date nights have never been better! Thanks to the Dates module, we've experienced unique and memorable moments that have truly brought us closer. Zest is our new go-to for weekend plans

Sophia Tate
Rating Starts

As a couple who thought they knew everything about each other, Zest surprised us! We've laughed, shared, and grown in ways we didn't know were possible. Every couple needs this app!

Liam Grey
Rating Starts

I was skeptical at first, but Zest truly delivers. It's more than just an app; it's an investment in our relationship. It's fun, enlightening, and has added a spark to our daily routine.

Ava Silva
Rating Starts

Since using Zest, we've found new depths in our conversations that have truly brought us closer. Every interaction feels like another step closer to my partner. It's been transformative for us!

Kayla Jones
Rating Starts

Zest's playful games opened up sides of us we'd never seen. The date ideas on Zest are not just fun; they're the bridges that have brought us back to love and excitement. We're closer and laughing more than ever!

Mary Bliss
Rating Starts

Frequently asked questions

We have put together some commonly asked questions

What is Zest?


Why did you create Zest?


How much does Zest cost?


Want to contact the developers?


Do both partners need the app?


How do I pair with my partner on the app?


How do I log out or delete my account?


How do I cancel my subscription?


Is Zest a substitute for my therapy or medication?
